My little girl...

Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Saturday, December 18, 2010


We are going to the kid's
Christmas program tonight and I just hope that I can get in the right frame of mind before it's time to go. Work and certain bad feelings born at last Saturday's work Christmas party had left me in a less than friendly and jolly frame of mind this past week. However, i need to forget or move on or both and get my merry on for this weekend. After all, I had a jump start really with Thursday night's dinner date with Joe and Phoebe. It was very pleasant, actually and came with a bonus in the form of my middle sister and 2 yr old niece showing up at the same restaurant just as we were getting our drinks and about to place our order. As she and Joe had yet to meet (due to circumstances and whatnot) and because its just the polite thing to do, we asked them to join us, and it was a rather nice dinner.
So I'll spend the afternoon helping my mom wrap presents and my sister will take the kids to Burger King to play or to the park maybe. Whatever we do it will be fun, and they are on Christmas vacation for the next 2 1/2 weeks, so they already have the attitude that fun times are ahead, and I just need to absorb some of that. Determined to make this the best Christmas ever. :)

Friday, December 3, 2010



The day started with a long(ish) drive out to the 'country', you know how it is - over the really crowded freeway, past the Igloo factory to auntie's house we go. Actually it wasn't too bad, and thanks to my dad's uncanny ability to be super-punctual, we were there quite on time for lunch - YUM! Ok, not so much yum... they're real fond of putting the guts in the dressing and gravy, tons of un-cooked onions in the mashed potatoes (but no butter or milk - weird!!!) and making various other casseroles and what not that's hardly if at all recognizable. Don't really care, though, as my mom and I brought 2 bottles of wine and turkey is always tasty!!!

The great thing about going out to the country is that the girls can go crazy running about playing, riding the 4 wheelers and horses, swinging from the trees and chasing the other kids. I seriously doubt that Phoebe went inside for the 8 hours we were there. Maybe to go to the restroom (she is my kid in that she will NOT tinkle anywhere that is not very much a well-appointed bathroom, thank God!!!). That's my niece in the picture above riding on a tire swing that my older cousin made to look like a horse. Too cute!

Now for the drive home... all I can say is the first few minutes was a bit stinky and quiet... then I woke up :)

Black Friday!!!!

I normally don't spend a lot of time at the mall or hanging out in a bunch of stores (except you, Walgreen's, I luv you!!!), and my temperament doesn't really lean itself towards crowds or waiting in long lines or being around a group of strangers. So you would think that I would run far and fast from Black Friday drama, but no, for some reason I luv it!!! I relish it!!! Hanging out in line for hours, freezing our tushies off... so much fun. My sister and I started out at Toys R Us, and it was a blast. We had some really funny ladies behind us and at one point we were laughing so hard at what she said about people who were cutting in line (see title), that I almost fell over. Seriously. Then it turns out the girl in front of us is the ex-girlfriend of one of the sons of one of the ladies at work. I know that's obscure, but we spent a while trying to figure out where we had seen each other before. Then when we finally got inside, it was so great - the lights, the noise and people, the smell of toys and new crayons! I didn't want to leave. Maybe that's why I love Black Friday so much - it's the start of my Christmas-y good feelings. Sigh...

Tuesday, November 23, 2010


Oh my, my.

Oh heck yes!

Gotta fit into that party dress!

Okay, this past weekend I found the cutest LBD. And it was on sale. The problem is it's not quite the right size (but it's not exactly little, either). But it is perfect!!!

So, new short(ish) term goal - lose 20lbs. so I can actually wear it on New Years Eve. Not sure if I have any rockin' plans for New Year's, but I want to be looking super cute doing whatever I end up doing!!!

And get my boyfriend to actually take me somewhere on New Years Eve. Looks like this might have to be a girls night out.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Relationships-Guest Post

Hello all! I'm Jessie, also known as Shutterbug Mama. Beauty Sale Shopper and I decided to guest blog on each others blogs for a few reasons. First, to increase her number of followers and traffic to her blog. Second, we are letting the kids play outside and we actually have time to think about something to write about.

We have decided that my topic should be relationships. There are many kinds. I think at some point in all our lives we have experienced many of them.

We all had the "high school sweetheart" phase I'm sure. The boyfriend you had most of high school. You thought for sure that you would marry the boy and live happily ever after, and so did many of your friends. Problem with this relationship, it is your first. You are naive, have yet to experience anything really and don't realize....there are better fish in the sea for you. Many of you end up leaving this boy for one reason or another and consider this a total waste of you high school years. I however do not. Those years were a BIG learning experience for me. I learned what kind of man I did not want and how I did not want to be treated. I would never settle for less again.

Once you turn have the "booty call relationship". While most of us ladies will never admit to it because every assumes it is just a guy thing, that's bull shit and we all know it. I did not have the typical booty call relationship, but had one similar just the same. It is what is....luckily, I ended up marrying the man!

As you get older, there is more to think about then just having fun. What are his goals in life? Will he always have this shitty job? Is he funny? Does he get along with people that I get along with? Will my family like him? All these questions matter on some level. Relationships take time. They are an investment, an investment of the heart (the most expensive). And, at some point in the relationship you will get scared of the unknown. But you need to ask yourself, are you happy with the way things are forever, or should you jump in both feet first because it could possibly be the best thing you have ever done in your life and to hell with fear getting in the way?

Every thing happens for a reason. Always been my motto. You have to take chances if you want to try and make your self happy. You can't always wait around for someone else to do it. I don't want to look back one day and wonder "what if". It's not a good way to live.

So to what ever kind of relationship you are in, enjoy it, but know there is always so much more.

Please be kind and check out my blog, if you like it, feel free to follow. Enjoy your weekend!


Thursday, November 18, 2010


Ok, ok, I know it's actually Thursday, but this and that... you know what I mean?

Any way, I did not lose any more weight this past week, but I didn't gain any... I think it's because I'M LAZY!!!

Yeah, that's about it.

But I've got to get hard core about it ASAP.

Now, usually, this time of year is bad for people to lose weight, but I have the advantage. I do not like most holiday foods. Yes, I am a very picky eater... and I know when I go to east Texas for Thanksgiving at my aunt's house, I will have to bring my own food or else eat only turkey. Same thing for Christmas, wherever that my be this year (still no firm plans - Hilary can we work on that?)

I'm joining the Jillian Michaels plan/website thingy, and hopefully getting her game for Wii, though the preview suggests that the 'game' part of that may not be completely accurate -- it looks hard! Going to bust my buns and try to be super good. My kid (and darling niece) is so active, I know she would walk or ride bikes or go do what ever with me - I have no excuse!!!

Tuesday, November 16, 2010


I am not a fighter. Snotty, obnoxious, passive-aggressive - yes... but I'm not about to have a physical altercation with anyone. It's not me. When people cut me off in traffic or look at me crazy or whatever, my response is to seethe, mumble under my breath (or blog about their sorry butts!!!)
Saturday, however, almost saw my inner ninja come out.
Fo' shizzle.
While standing in line waiting to fill up drinks for Phoebe, Hayley, and myself a little thug kid stepped all over my foot. He said something that might have been 'sorry' and walked off. Consider this - I was wearing flip-flops, he slammed his foot on my mine repeatedly, and there were tears of pain in my eyes, yet his mother (who looked A LOT like the picture here) starts yelling at me. Apparently I'm supposed to tell him it's ok, and everything is hunky-dory, but guess what - IT'S NOT. And you know what I told this b-word when she said "get over it, he said he's sorry!" I said the following - "I don't give a damn if he's sorry, it still hurts" She started repeating "he said he's sorry" over and over, getting louder each time and THEN she starts what I have to assume is cussing me out in Chinese. Maybe I shouldn't have said the next thing, but I couldn't help it - "You're so mature, no wonder your kid's such an ass"
The Asian swearing rose in volume at that point, and she started walking toward me. Now, in my head I'm thing OMG!!!!, but I'm not going to let this little you know what push me around. Then, like an angel sent from above, her brother/husband/teenage son (?) grabs her arm and says "Grow up! Why do you always start sh*t?!"
Thank You!!!!
But, seriously, I almost peed my pants. Eeek!

Wednesday, November 10, 2010


like, no way.

Last week sometime (and I want to say Friday, but maybe not, anywho...) SB Mama and I were at the local Long John Silvers/Taco Bell - because I don't know about you, but my fave meal is a burrito, chicken plank, and hush puppies JK!!! - just having lunch and minding our own beeswax when...
In the booth behind ours (which i can't see but she can) my ears perk up to the teenage voices of 3 high school kids having the most interesting conversation. Now, this is what we found out -
Boy #1(Abercrombie guy, according to SB Mama's observation) is like, so pissed that his best friend girl's boyfriend would actually follow them out to his car when all they were doing was going to get her other shoes to change into. And then she said that she wasn't dating that guy, but if she wasn't, then why did she say they were "back together" if they weren't together in the first place? This happened after he broke up w/some chick named Amy, apparently. And it's not like he even wants to be with her, but she's always dragging him into her guy-drama!!! Boy #2 (Juvie guy) totally knows what he's talking about!
This goes on for the whole lunch! And just to be cool (and not completely obvious) the two of us sit there quietly listening to every word. Personally, I had no idea boys sat and talked this way about their friends and girlfriends. Girls, definitely, but this was a pleasant surprise for me! There was a girl sitting with them (Out of their League!) but she didn't really say anything and SB Mama said that when she went to the bathroom they were all like "what is up w/her?" and whatever about it. They were all preppy, but Abercrombie guy was like the Zach Morris of the group I think. Juvie guy was kind of creepy, and the girl just didn't seem to belong w/ those two at all. Makes you wonder how she ended up there in the first place.


Wednesday, November 3, 2010


The weather so far this fall has been ridiculous!!! It's crazy hot one day, and raining buckets the next. What happened to cooler temps and changing leaves? Mild, breezy, crisp kind of weather...Oh, Texas, why are you so tumultuous?

On the other hand, I do love the early darkness and approaching SHOPPING SEASON!!! Not that I'm going to shop a lot, but all the ornaments,Christmas/fall smelling candles, twinkly lights, pumpkins and decor just cheer me. What a lovely time of year (it could be)!!! Going to the Nutcracker Market this year, not to mention totally haunting Garden Ridge, Hobby Lobby, and Kirkland's... the happiness is seeping into me!!!

So all I really ask right now is that I not have to wear shorts on Thanksgiving (or Christmas for that matter), or a raincoat, or anything not resembling a super-cute cashmere sweater and sweet new jeans. Weather, I beg of you, cooperate this year!!! Please!

XOXO - Beauty

Tuesday, November 2, 2010


I'm not upset.
Granted, my face is a little cheekier than a year ago.
My chin has a stunt double.
The firmness of my arms/legs/bottom can honestly be labeled 'jello-like'.
Whatevs. I can deal with that. After all, I'm working towards a change, and it's going to be slow and steady. But....
The pure evil known as 'Halloween Candy' has been hard to fight off (and avoid), but I'm staying strong. I WANT CANDY!!! Seriously, that song could have been written for me! You know when people say 'Oh that dessert is too sweet, I could only have a bite'? That's the dessert I want... I've never come across something too sweet for me - Sugar is my ENEMY. Yummy, delicate, beautiful sugar. Sighhhhh.....
Maybe tonight the gargantuan bowl of tasty treats will meet with foul play while everyone else in the house is asleep. Perhaps we'll wake in the morning to the scent of fresh, whole grain muffins and the candy jars will be mysteriously empty. Who would notice the charred, sticky mess behind the garage and under a layer of newly-turned earth this time of year anyway?
"Thin is the line between love and hate"

Monday, November 1, 2010


Ok, I realize that I have a bad habit of making a very confusing situation even more confusing. It's befuddling, and somewhat annoying, like me. For example, if you are feeling all discombobulated, or even just upset and want to talk to me about something, and it's shocking or unexpected (at least to me) I will make your head spin by doing one or more of the following things;

a. asking many questions in rapid-fire fashion and not quite giving you enough time to answer

b. saying "what?!" repeatedly like I don't know or didn't hear what you said in the first place

c. trying to say something funny and off-subject to distract you

d. a combination of these, which is probably worse

Unfortunately, I do this all the time, it's how I give myself to process and think about the situation. It's only after I've acted like a complete dork(and maybe pissed you off), that I have a firm grasp on what we're really talking about and a real conversation can begin. It's messed up, and really I'm working on it,( it shouldn't be so hard to just listen and then deal, right?) so far, not so good. But I like to think that after all the initial hoopla, I'm a really good listener and understander-er (?!?, lol).
So please keep in mind that I'm not totally insensitive or uninterested or a total dumb ass when you tell me good/bad/sad/funny news I am, in fact, just slow to react (and honestly there are times I have no idea what I'm supposed to say or do!!!).
And it really helps me to greatly appreciate people who do know how to listen to others and respond in a thoughtful, caring, non-judgy way. Because that's so hard to do, and you guys are the best!!!

Friday, October 29, 2010


Yesterday Shutterbug Mama and I went to the waaaay fancy Olive Garden for lunch, as I had to have soft or liquid foods (dental procedure/nightmare on Tuesday!!!) and we both really like it. So we're walking to our table, minding our own beeswax, when out of the corner of my eye I see a coworker (whom we will refer to from now on as Fred Jones -of Scooby Doo fame -for his love of penny loafers and general disposition) of ours at a booth in another little alcove-y section as we pass by and I give a tiny, automatic wave and he totally does that guy wave with the 2 fingers. And then it hits me who he is, and I'm like "what?!".
I told SB Mama "that was Fred at that booth over there, and I don't know enough about his wife to know if that's her"
She replies with "His wife wouldn't drive all the way out here"
So I say "I'm going to text him and ask who it is"
Unfortunately, we can't see them from where we are seated, eating really tasty soup and breadsticks (I passed on the salad, she didn't, we got extra cheese on everything cuz that's what makes it the yummiest)

My message: 'who's that lady (who's that lady - to music lol)

Me, "he is so not going to write back!!!"
SB Mama, "sure he will"

Fred's message: 'A friend, come say hi'

Me, "oh my god, he said to come say hi. Why would we come say hi to his lady-friend?! Awkward!!!"
SB Mama, "we're not going to do that (paraphrase)"

My message: 'Um, that's ok. Besides, our food has arrived and we don't want to interrupt :o)'

So we proceed to eat delicious lunches and talk about various things. It was really a nice lunch. Then, as we're waiting for our check I start to think, where is he? Fred should have passed by our table on his way out. So I text him again;

My message: 'Did you leave?'

Let me just say right now, this is one of the longest conversations I have personally ever had with Fred. We're just very different people and we've never had anything to do with each other outside of the office. He's kind of funny but mostly he straight reminds me of Fred from Scooby Doo; his personality and dress - i swear he would wear an ascot if he could, he's just an ascot kind of guy.

Fred's message: 'Yup'
My message: 'Sneaky!'

That may have been flirty, but it was totally unintentional, ok?

Fred's message: 'About 1 minute ago'
' U got that dang song stuck n our heads'

Oh, jeez! that means they are not at the restaurant, but are still together? If we look outside will they be making out in the parking lot? Lord, I hope not!!! This is too bizarre... and hilarious!

My message: 'What about the song "secret lovers" that's a good one

At this point I'm feeling kinda clever, I have to admit.

Fred's message: 'Don't know that 1 :-)

What exactly does that smiley face mean? interesting!

My message: 'Think they have it on the 8 track now'

Yeah, funny me - made a crack about his age and junk... I'm so smooth!
So SB Mama and I are driving back to work and I'm trying to figure out how to spell La Quinta (not as hard now as it was then) so I can write the following message (which I changed so I could text it faster)

My message: 'Was that your truck @ the Holiday Inn just now?'

SB Mama tells me that Fred is totally going to say something crazy back to me (she knows him better than I do) and I'm like 'no way'.

Fred's message: 'Mouth full can't talk'

OMG!!! He did not just go there! But he did and we were laughing our butts off and she said he's probably already back at the office...

My message: 'You made me drop my phone!!!'

And he had, which was crazy! Then we were at work and he was already there and I got this message walking in the door -

Fred's message: 'Wow my pants did the same thing'

What a lunch!

Thursday, October 21, 2010


Whether it's braver to be with someone or be alone, I know not.

People have been happy either way, as well as miserable, so who's to tell?

The one thing I've learned to be true about all relationships is that they are all complex. Oddly enough that sounds like over-simplifying things but there is no other way to put it. The merging of two lives, their histories, emotions, personalities, values, dreams and fears, is a delicate, explosive and ongoing process. Some manage better than others, some not at all, but the only way to really know is to be part of that relationship' as the outsider is only permitted to see so much. Whether a couple is happy or miserable or in-between is based soully on what they allow the outside world to see of their interactions, right? That bitchy pair at the table next to you in a restaurant might be the snuggliest of snuggle bunnies at home in front of the tv and a CSI marathon. The super-smoochies in the park might keep the neighbors up with their screaming at night. And maybe, just maybe, the stand-offish, doesn't look like they ever even talk to each other types might be perfectly content with each other and their life together. Do church bells and celestial choirs mean perpetual bliss? Or can the average person be happy with the comfortable and familiar (and only occasionally loud, passionate, aggravating, and ridiculous)? Perhaps love resides in acceptance and grows in understanding.


there was no 2-2. Stuff happened, what can I say?
Let's not focus on my own weight loss journey right now, though - I'm working on it, progress is steady but slow and I'm happy for the time being. Unlike Biggest Loser, I'm not dropping weight like so many handfuls of warm, raw bread dough.
I would like to send a shout-out (really, how old am i?!) to my cuz, Angela, for her phenomenal pound losses after her surgery in August. To keep with the theme of things only 30-somethings-who-wish-they-weren't-30-yet say, 'You Go Girl!!' lol, I kill me sometimes.
Also, congrats to the ladies very happily putting on the baby weight right now - Amy & Christina. I know you're both being very smart about eating healthy and taking care of yourselves... keep up the good work!!!

Monday, October 18, 2010


Ok, look, a promise was made by me (to me, sure, but still) to be a little more positive both blog- and life-wise, but some things must be let out or the pressure will be destructive.
Short & sweet of it - if you act like you know everything about something (or anything, really), people will not like you so much.
Or want to hang out with you.
And it's pretty much a guarantee that they are rolling their eyes at you as they leave the room. Also, when they see you do something the wrong way, it makes them not want to help you... as you have made it very clear that you are waaaay better at that something than they are.
So check it.

Thursday, October 14, 2010


total accidental posting, hope you enjoy this, but most of all hope it makes you think I'm all deep and junk :)

Strange Violet Behind Trees
by Christine Klocek-Lim
—after Wolf Kahn

The house hides in dusk’s spangled purples.
It’s hard to see such colors, capricious
tones barely there once night has almost
sucked the light from the forest.
And silhouetted trees rear up
as I walk, interrupt the horizon,
their dry leaves muttering imprecations
in the magenta gleam of twilight.
You have gone and I must be careful:
the path has faded to mere shadow
and I can no longer understand
the exuberance of a leaf twisting
in the breeze. How does autumn tangle
everything so elegantly, as when crimson
replaces the decorous sheen of green?
Such willful ambiguity. I walk steadily.
The soft retreat of chlorophyll asks useless
questions. The mother tree sleeps
and misses the violet whoop of fall,
the overlapping dive of it all.
By now night has stolen
twilight’s indescribable glow.
Our house has quietly slid
into an atmospheric blur.
There is nothing more to see.
My darling, the violet has disappeared
and I’m not yet home but I can still feel
the brittle slump of frost behind the trees

p.s. The Twisted Tree was a place, many years ago, where the artsy-trendy hipsters use to go and be all intellectual and cool and smoke foreign cigarettes and wear berets.


First of all, that is the name of a real country song (which I had the privilege of hearing on the way to Subway with Shutterbug Mama yesterday) and believe it or not, it was kind of a funny song. I don't generally (or ever, honestly) go for contemporary country music, but the words were hilarious and came close to describing a few evenings out the girls and I have had in the past - except I'm pretty sure we've never partied too hard at a Holiday Inn, but anyway...

Second, it's been a wicked hard week for my family. We had serious drama at home with the loss of my grandma - everyone's an emotional wreck right now because, as my daughter so aptly and simply put it, "she was just so nice". What can you add to that?

To be positive, as I'm afraid I've kind of grown fond of the occasional happy thought nowadays (thanks for the valuable lifestyle change, K - because this is all yours and Shutterbug Mama's influence!) I have to say that I was deeply touched by all the support and love that friends and coworkers have shown me in the past few days. And considering my mostly-grumpy, always sassy demeanor, I was also a little surprised - pleasantly so. What kind of people offer comfort to someone who isn't always nice/friendly/cordial? Really good people.
So thank you to everyone for this week.

And who knows, maybe a girl can change.

Monday, October 11, 2010


Set the scene -
Radiant light from above...airy fog cover... harps/violins/angelic chorus in the background... sourceless, unexplainable breeze wafting hair around. Sudden pin light on male and female leads... slo-mo running...
Now, this is what happens when people meet in the movies or teen dramas on television, or made-for-tv specials on the Lifetime channel.
In real life, you meet your funky hat-wearing bf for the first time in a cool downtown pubish sportsbar famous for a 'pimps&ho's' halloween ball, a considerable beer selection, and a ginormous television. The nerves disappear quickly enough and you soon figure out (hopefully this always happens, though I offer no personal guarantees) that you can honestly be friends in person, and you do genuinely like them. And their girlfriend, who turns out to be really funny, sweet, sassy and (do not take this the wrong way, i just never noticed) surprisingly kinda tall.
Hope to hang out with both again soon... thanks for an interesting and fun Saturday afternoon!
Fade to black.

Sunday, October 10, 2010


My paternal grandmother, Ella, has always been very special to me. Despite the fact that I am not her biological grandchild, she has never treated me any differently or made me feel any less than her other grandkids. She loves all of us, and keeps loving us as more are born or married into our already substantial family.
Grandma always, and I do mean always, has sweets (both the homemade and hard-candy variety) available. There are toys and coloring books in a wicker basket to keep the kids busy, and cards and dominoes for the adults. Her skills at putting together jigsaw puzzles is unmatched and she is a pro at word searches!
She is always concerned that everyone is taken care of, that they have everything they need, before she takes care of herself. She loves her church and her family and we all love her. I dedicate this blog to her and thank her for she has done for me.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010


Take off jacket... check.
Take off shoes... check.
And... step on scale.
Now take off jewelry, belt, hairclip... just in case.
Step on scale.
Ok, deep breath. No tissues handy to wipe away embarrassing tears, just use fingertips and blink a lot.
Don't let cruel thoughts about yourself sink in...
Go back and read that article about how to fit in extra cardio to a regular resistance/cardio routine.
Get serious.
Cheating is for suckers.
Happy thoughts... you can do this -
Jesus - you've GOT TO DO THIS.
Get a grip.
Smiley face?
Another deep breath...
and we're good.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010



After much hoping, dreaming, wishing (and practicing!) our good girlfriend from work is going to have a baby! We wish you joy and know you'll be the best mommy (even when you act like this ->)!!! You and your man are going to have so much fun!!! Hope to have regular baby updates for the blog...


Ok, let me give you a brief history of myself...
I have a very very sensitive tummy - it takes very little to make me barf - various sounds, smells and sights have been known to send me running from the room with eyes watering, hand covering mouth hair flying behind me...
I've hurled because of movies, cartoons, co-workers messing with me for their own sick enjoyment, ect.
The smell/sight of mac & cheese causes instant bouts of nausea... it has since I was a little kid, and therefore it is my least favorite food in the universe, always has been, always will be.
Just writing this blog is taking immense self control on my part, as talking about it is making me a little woozy.
Imagine my horror to wake up to the sounds of said activity going on repeatedly at high volume at 3am Monday morning. I wanted to cry - seriously! It was like a nightmare wrapped in a French farce... me trying not to be sick and needing to go downstairs to check on my niece and not knowing if I could make it because every time she heaved I broke out in a cold sweat and cringed and worried about falling and harming myself...
That's just a little get to know me,
love me.

Friday, October 1, 2010


Received a random forward text from Shutterbug Mama yesterday (omg! just thought about how cool we would sound if these were our CB handles!!! "breaker-breaker 1-9, come in Shutterbug Mama" lol!!!) --anyway!-- and we were supposed to take a random photo with our cell phone and send it back, after which we would forward to others who would send back candid pics to us. This has to be one of my faves, a pic of K w/one of his cohorts, and it started quite the interesting flurry of texts. Sometimes we get into the strangest/funniest/thinking-est conversations! Not sure why, but it's sooo easy to by honest and straight-forward with him (he's my non-gay, gay friend - despite what it looks like in this photo!). So anyway... maybe at lunch today I'll price out CB radios! Or walkie-talkies... I think I have some Dora the Explorer walkie-talkies at home. Hmmmm

Wednesday, September 29, 2010


Out of much love and respect (and to prove I'm not mad/pissed/deeply wounded) this blog is being dedicated to my nearest and dearest BMF, K and my WBF, J.

How can she always carry a smile?Cheerful and joyous all the while?So happy a face, unknown to pains,Soothing my summers like showers of rains.I envy the smile and close my eyes,And seek as to why she never cries,Then appeal in her face as if starts to grow,And am forced to stare, no reasons I know.Brings tears of joy, as it fondles the memories,Kindling my desires and wiping my worries,Lost in the charm of the smiling face,I chase the voids to crave happiness.Not a dream that I see, but a face in sight,Like a blooming rose, so lovely and bright,Giving me hope for the unknown tomorrow,As a silver lining in the clouds of sorrow... (excerpt, by Arunabha Sengupta)

My daughter's unconditional love and joy in all things, making (and eating!) the perfect cupcake, steamy sweet caramel macchiatos, sparkly pink painted toenails, cold fizzy bubbles that you inhale from a freshly opened Coke, the waxy smell and limitless possibilities of a big box of Crayons, hanging ornaments on every last single branch of the Christmas tree, finding orange clearance stickers on a random stroll through Walgreens, truly hilarious bumper stickers, the breath-stealing awe of joyful tears at weddings/for new babies/chick movies, unexpected comfort and hugs from friends when your world goes topsy, warm soft kisses, precisely applying a girlfriends eyeshadow, singing at the top of your lungs to hits from the 80's with the radio on a boring drive home, fun spirit-lifting phone calls with your best friend, fitting just right against your honey's side while snuggling on the couch watching cop shows, edge-sitting vampire movies, platinum blonde spiky hair, looking out an airplane window to see nothing but clouds and horizon... these are a few of my favorite (positive!) things

Thank you for helping me remember to check the other side on occasion (and for taking time away from your goodwill missions w/ Brad Pitt)

Tuesday, September 28, 2010


Ok, so 2% less doesn't make a huge difference (unless it's off the cost of say, a house or Bugatti,)but I'll take it. As much as I would like to attribute this to peanut butter/Dorito sandwiches and Coke Zero, that's probably not the case (new trend, anyone? No? Okay, that's cool)... so I would like to take time to thank the following contributors to this weeks weight loss - 1. Water (sorry, coke!) 2. Fruits and Veggies (you know who you are :)) 3. Sweat (you weren't my favorite, but you were there for me) - MUCH LOVE!
Previous weeks' goals are half done. I still haven't created a healthy food plan, mostly I've been winging it day by day. This is a dangerous road, as it makes fast food and desk-top candy dishes very tempting. I'll make myself work on it at lunch, since it's just a matter of sitting down and writing up a shopping list/menu. Sticking to it once you have the stuff is usually easy, too. Unless you have a boyfriend who insists on lavishing you with fancy dinners and plying you with wine and frou-frou cocktail beverages. Not that that kind of an evening is an everyday occurrence, but indulgence tends to breed indulgence, and it's hard to stop a downward slide that's made up of creamy cheese cake or delicately prepared appetizers (or even ice cream and cheeseburgers!). Sometimes you should treat yourself, but sometimes you just CAN'T! Not when your will power is teetering on a razor edge, not if you don't have someone who will say stop, that's enough - and mean it. It helps if you give yourself enough time and respect and commitment to be that person yourself, in fact its probably the only way to truly succeed.
Another goal I am still going to have to work on is saying something nice every day. To someone. Unfortunately, it seems I've only gotten more sharp-tongued and hateful towards people. Granted, sweating tends to do that to me, but that's really just an excuse. Being complimentary does not come naturally to me (another excuse, jeez!), but it's nothing practice can't overcome. The awkwardness will eventually fade (right?!). What I need to is find a book on this on Amazon...

Monday, September 27, 2010


Cranky would be a very polite way to describe my attitude first thing this morning, but things have since calmed considerably in my mind. This past weekend was a bitch, let me tell you.
First of all, I moved on Friday and in general, physically moving from one address to another sucks butt - this was no exception. Have to give huge kudos and thanks to my man for helping me (or literally doing 98% of the manual labor involved, and driving the giant truck, whichever you want to call it). He is like He-Man, Wolverine, and Mr. T all mixed together. Friday was HOT! So we were sweating like pigs. Then it rained briefly in the afternoon... and the storage place opened an hour late. Grrrr!
Second, when I went back to clean on Saturday, I loaded up the stuff that my sister wanted, and she wasn't even home! This wouldn't have been such a big deal, but I had my daughter and niece with me and by the end of the day, they were working my last nerves. Also, the major thing she wanted was a washing machine that I was going to let her have and moving that into my dad's truck was very, very hard. And it rained again... like a crazy freak deluge that was just enough to make this very heavy thing super-slippery.
Third, and last was trying to get all my stuff organized and clean and settled yesterday. Oh, and the fact that I now have to wake up before dawn, and my new phone being all jacked up, made for a cranky, not in the mood for everyone's horse-shit (but they gave it to me anyway) kind of morning.
p.s. and the Texans were beaten by the Cowboys of all people - not cool!

Wednesday, September 22, 2010


Right off I'm going to say that I know it's Wednesday, but Tuesday had to be experienced in it entirety before it could be expressed by the written word...
Do you remember the animosity in my 'Elephant Never Forgets' blog? Well, the mean girls are back. No, you really are mean! Done sugar-coating your hateful behavior, I'm laying it out there. It would be tolerable, and you would have every right, to brag about being skinny if that is what you would go ahead and do... but your bullshit 'look at me' whining about your weight (I'm sorry but no one who weighs 120 lbs or less should ever say they need to lose 15 lbs) is such a call for help, it boggles my mind. (this is not about you, J)
That being said, I would like to ask Shutterbug Mama how she got that picture of me from last night (the one from yesterday). Yeah, that was me - 1 am, up and packing with a fervor that could only be matched by a Tasmanian devil cartoon character. At one point I'm sure the neighbors thought I'd lost my mind, but they were soon resigned to the fact that "that girl is gonna cuss and talk to herself and throw stuff for a while yet, guess we better turn up the t.v., pa". Yeah, I may have amused myself by giving them different accents and lives and what-not throughout the years I've lived here. Anyway, I stayed up until 3 am packing and wishing I had a coke and not thinking about my diet or exercise, just trying to get stuff done so that this knot of nerves in my stomach will go the h-e-double hockey sticks AWAY.
This weeks goal - 1. FOOD PLAN (for gosh sakes, really!)
2. MOVE IT!!!!
3. WATCH BIGGEST LOSER (then tell yourself you have it bad - I dare you)
4. SAY SOMETHING NICE TO SOMEONE EVERYDAY (spending the rest of the day being a snotty b-word cancels this out, so it's not an excuse to be cranky to those that would destroy you)

Wednesday, September 15, 2010


It would seem that I am in a mildly cranky mood today. Though cranky may be too strong a word, maybe 'not giving a shit' would better describe it. My problem is that I'm moving next week and the pressure to have everything packed and ready is stressing me out. Big time. Nothing looks done no matter how much I do... it sucks! Why do we have so much crap? Do I need to go to a program for compulsive shopping or something? It's not like we have piles of old newspapers or clothes from the 60's or stuff from the Home Shopping Network laying around.

The thing is, things are getting done and it will be ready to go on time, but I've always had this fatalistic attitude when it comes to personal deadlines. Like I'm going to fail no matter how hard I try, and though I'm trying to work that out... sometimes it pops out in me when I least expect it. Have I ever actually missed a necessary deadline? NO. In fact, I tend to be obsessive about being prompt, but that is actually part of the problem now that I'm reading what I'm typing...

OMG - a dude with a mullet may have just walked by my desk... who's to say?! I didn't get a good look at him, just an impression out of the corner of my eye. Random - Shutterbug Mama, please tell me you saw that. lol!!!

Oh, jeez, that laughter just made my day... who would have ever thought that a mullet actually served a purpose. Well, here's to simplifying my life. May God have mercy on my soul.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010


So maybe I should start calling this blog 'Obese Tuesday'. Swear to God trying to lose weight sucks so bad. You have to be conscious of everything you eat, drink and all the sweat...

Then you read an online article about how America is the fattest country in the known universe and everyone hates it. By everyone I mean the rest of the planet. Or probably France, they are seriously harboring many passive-aggressive feelings towards us. Don't get me started.

The goal I set last week was to move, and mission accomplished... but I was kinda lax on the food monitoring. Pretty sure I had 3 hamburgers over the last 7 days, and I know that dinner one night consisted of cupcakes. And they had donuts at church on Sunday - shouldn't godly donuts be calorie-free? Who's making the rules up around here, anyway?!

Anyway, in deference to my untamed menu planning, I went on a few websites (thanks Jillian Michaels and MyFitFoods!) and started to put together a 'nutritional goal sheet' or some such hoo-ha. Actually it was kind of fun

So to set this week's goal -

1. Make a food plan!!

2. keep moving

Monday, September 13, 2010


In the spirit of Mondays being a 'getting to know me' blog day...

Do you remember that Friends episode where Ross and Rachel got to pick their celeb "freebies"? A famous person they could be w/without fear of reproach or any drama from the other person? ( I know the concept has been used repeatedly since and no, I don't know or want to know if it was used prior). Well... I am just saying that I have a HUGE secret crush on - Billy Idol. I know, he's old and junk but I really don't care! Should we meet on the street (or anywhere else in the whole, vast universe) and he asked me to do anything, I would so be there. While trying to put a list together of why I love him I realized it was too embarrassingly long so I am going to say only a few points;
1. Platinum, spiky hair - delish!
2. Super-hot eye make-up (he is one of the few who can pull this off and still look soooo masculine)
3. British accent - yeah, it makes a difference
4. THAT VOICE... in general, it's just wow

Ok, so I realize that the whole list is totally cliche and would piss off all the regular guys out there, but cliches are cliches because they're generally true, right? How many of you dudes think cheerleaders are hot on principle? My point exactly.

Thursday, September 9, 2010


OMG! Just going to ask a little question here - what makes men think they are not complicated and full of drama in relationships? Because let me tell you, there would be almost zero drama in my personal life if not for the guys in it (not you, K, you're the only one I understand).
There are some very mixed signals I'm getting these days - so I'm going to push all thoughts and decisions about men and relationships aside and just concentrate on my personal make-over. There are things that I want to get in order before the end of the year, some are dorky, but they're all important to me
1.Watch season 2 of Lost
2.Make exercise a daily thing (it burns!)
3.Clean out any and all stuff I don't need or use (thanks Hoarders!)
4.Lose the weight (and not find it)
5.Stop biting my nails
6.Buy more shoes (not the sensible ones)

Wednesday, September 8, 2010


Here is one thing no one should ever do - watch 3 hours of the show "Hoarders" in a row. Unfortunately, I had to stay up until 2 am Monday night watching the show to figure that out, which made me all tired and cranky and introspective yesterday. Not cool! This is not a show I would normally even try to watch, as they have a habit of finding some yucky stuff amongst the heaps of refuse that are these people's lives. Seriously, in one episode they found some carcasses of this lady's pets that she had thought 'ran off' buried beneath random piles of junk and trash. Ick. She had to go down the street to a little diner to use the bathroom and wash off because her bathroom was; a. full of garbage and b. not functional anyway.
Oh, jeez, I can't talk about it anymore I'm making myself ill.
Funny thing, though is that I totally started cleaning house around the end of episode 2, right? But after 'Hoarders' there is an episode of 'Obsessed' about people who can't stop cleaning... a very confusing message the network is sending us... that's all I'm going to say.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010


Big mama is going to lose some weight!!! That's right everybody, and you can read about it right here every Tuesday - prepare yourself for the emotional roller coaster that can only be ridden by the truly messed up. Today is day one of my "lifestyle change" - said w/perky, I-so-used-to-be-a-cheerleader-now-I'm-like-totally-a-nutritionist voice. (FYI, typing dashes is labor-intensive and doesn't really feel natural, so you wont be getting that again)
Like all larger ladies (and gents), I know how to lose weight and I've done it before. The problem is the mind-set, the habits, and I'll be the first (and maybe only one) to admit that the biggest problem is pure laziness. Exercising is not my fave thing to do, and in fact, I kinda hate it. No pain is literally NO PAIN right? Who wants to 'feel the burn'? Isn't burning a bad thing? They teach that to small children, don't they? Sighhhhhhhh......
Well, guess what?! I need to put on my big girl panties and get out there. Do I really want my daughter to think that looking/feeling/acting this way is normal? Is that anything but selfish? This tells me something about myself, and that something is that I need an attitude adjustment. Seriously! Maybe my buns don't need to be made of steel, but right now they are almost completely buns of donuts, which is kind of gross now that I'm reading it... but completely true!
So today's agenda is to actually move around when I get home tonight... no TV, no trying to find my exact butt-print in the sofa, no Facebook (embarrassment!) but real MOVEMENT.


Monday, September 6, 2010


Going to start a new Monday night blog thing... telling something about myself that is relatively unknown. Tonight you'll be shocked/amazed/and disturbed to learn about my luv for chewy Lifesavers while watching 80's kids movies that feature puppets (anyone remember Labarynth?). I just think those Jim Henson-ish characters are sooo great in movies. Oh and remember the ones in Never Ending Story? I miss those movies so much!

Thursday, September 2, 2010


ok... first I must say that neither I, nor Blogger, in any way, shape or form endorse, condone, or at all think it's cool to use, abuse, or know about prescription drugs. That being said...

I have a toothache, and due to the fact that it was EXCRUCIATING, medication was given to relieve the ache in the tooth. And medication is gooood. :)
Never before have my coworkers seen me in such a jolly, relaxed kind of mood. I am at peace w/ the universe... if peace equals spontaneous singing... and I think it might. Wonder how Joe will react to the more mellow me? Hopefully with good cheer and smooching. That would be nice. I'm going to go listen to "Tequila Sunrise" again and eat lunch... have a really lovely day

Monday, August 23, 2010


Have you ever noticed how quickly your mind will adjust to a completely surreal situation? Even Alice became accustomed to the bizarre happenings of Wonderland soon enough... At first you feel lost and dazed by what's happening all around you, but soon realize that not only are you saying the right things and behaving normally, you're becoming almost desensitized to the very thing that made it horrible and strange in the first place. As though you lose focus and mentally alter your perceptions to force yourself to understand what's up with your life.

The seasons are changing for me... I'm staring at a crossroads and every decision seems heavier, more weighted and potentially life-altering than usual. The loss of a friend - it's tragedy and cruelty is forcing a new maturity on me that I just hope that I'm ready for. A child, parent, friend, sibling and lover - I mean, doesn't that describe me, too? Why am I here, and what if I weren't? Are any of us truly what we want to be, and would others remember us that way? Could life really be simple? Could we enjoy more? Love more? Just breathe more?

It's time to try.

Thursday, August 12, 2010


Down to the bottom 3... America's last chance to vote for the 1 they love! The opening montage/video made me cry - but not until the 1st shot of Alex.
Dance #1
Kent/Lauren (all-star)
What I could see of the dance was good, typical bollywood stuff. Does this dance ever look different? Guess not. They were fun to watch, maybe more technical or challenging than usual. Isn't Kent the cutest bunny ever?

Dance #2
Hip Hop
Awesome!! Anything w/Twitch is gonna be good, and tonight was no exception! The attitude was there, the skills were there - everything was strand and well done and she did excellent. She's so good @ taking a character and making it hers.

Dance #3
Whip it! One of my all-time fave songs ever! Ok, that seemed more Broadway to me, but it was fun and incredible to watch. Seriously, it was almost like an 80's music video, but w/better camera work. Robert has gotten to be truly excellent this season and, like Lauren - but more so - his ability to absorb any and all characters is phenomenal. He always looks like he's enjoying himself.

**Random Cat quote - 'cookie bonkers' - what's up w/that? :)

Dance #4
Kent's solo

Dance #5
The pillow was... different. The dance was beautiful! Not necessarily emotional or riveting, but technically stunning and elegant. Had to agree a bit w/Adam, the action/reaction flowed beautifully and perfectly.

Dance #6
Thank God for commercial breaks - poor girl! Ok, that was definitely a cute dance but nothing too amazing. Not very challenging but fun and light and silly.

Dance #7
Robert's Solo!

Dance #8
That was so gorgeous and perfect and real! Kent did such a great job! Very powerful and emotional. Kind of surprising actually.

Dance #9
Lauren's Solo!

Dance #10
Cool! lol, seriously that was sooo Broadway! I'd definitely pay to see that performance (yeah - didn't have to!). I'm so proud of him - what an impressive performance.

Dance #11
Is Pasha's hotness even legal? Someone should check that out! That dance was so sexy! She nailed it! They were absolutely perfect together, and she did the 'embarrassing' moves just fine as far as I'm concerned.

Dance #12
That was pretty good for a brand-new (for the show, that is)style. They both did very well for a technically challenging, fast, super-macho dance. It's really a very interesting style and I wouldn't mind seeing it again.

Well, I have just one thing to say about who will win -- ? They are all soooo good! Were they this good however many weeks ago? I don't think so, but I do know this will be the best (and worst!) results show that I can remember... only the icky hairbands can know for sure.


this is a test

Wednesday, August 11, 2010


ok, I know I've been remiss in my blogging lately, but I've been super busy and blah, blah, blah...

Anyway, my bmf gave me a topic to do when I just couldn't think of anything and today is the day... this one is for you Special K!!! lol

Today's topic is panties. Yeah, and what does one say about panties? I'm not sure, so I'm totally gonna wing it here. We all wear them (except you hoochie girls -- you know who you are), we wash them, we spend so much time contemplating which ones to buy, but how big a deal are they really? Pretty big deal, actually. How many times have we rolled our eyes when mom or grandma said to make sure we have clean ones on when we leave the house, but we secretly think 'oh, crap, if i get in an accident or whatnot, do i want paramedics/ cops/hospital staff/ect. to see that i have on my holy drawers?' (thanks a lot George Clooney!). And why do we have special ones for laundry day? You know

the ones, the big comfy white ones that you don't remember buying, because only your mom would buy those for you but somehow you have them?

Color and style are important, too! We need the cheeky hipsters when we're feeling fun and frisky. Those come in all the cute patterns and prints. Color is very important! For example, a friend of mine says she has a mustard colored pair that are really pretty, until you put them on, then not so much. Be careful, when choosing colors, that you always have a few that will work under light colored outfits (no matter how hot you or your man think you are, no one wants to see your sea foam green undies under your white shorts, gag!) Then there are the comfy, but not ma-ma ones, like bikinis and lowrise for everyday use. Not to mention the ones that make us feel all sexy and Victoria's Secret-y... the fancy panties!!! The ooh-la-la kind with sparkles and bows and very little fabric. These are the ones that make every girl -- no matter how many freckles she has or how flat/bubbly/perky/not-so-perky/white/tan her tush is -- feel like a million bucks.
And buying panties can be so therapeutic! Have you every had a bad time shopping for underwear? There are some really lovely brands and styles that are easy to find (even on sale). You can go with your girlfriends, your man or just solo- and enjoy the experience! No one will judge your selections... they don't have to be "the latest fashion", they just have to fit you and your personality. So go out there and be confident in your panties, ladies! Whether you're in your business suit, your track suit (sorry, i know, hello 80's!), or your birthday suit - decorate your booty and be happy - no one has to know (unless you want them too ;).

Thursday, August 5, 2010


8 days until we have a winner... oh my goodness! I'm not going to read Jessie's blog first, don't want to influence my opinions, so here goes! First let me say 'gag me w/a braided hair headband - which may or may not be real hair. And Tyce is visiting -- I would say yeah except...
Dance #1
Group piece by Tyce - Broadway # from Guys & Dolls
It was boring at best, and I usually like the Broadway numbers. None of them were impressive, but the costumes were great.

Dance #2
That dude is so, so macho! It was steamy and done fairly well, but not special enough for this point in the competition, I think. and did Adam just go there?

Dance #3
African Jazz
What an unfortunate pick for him on such an important week! What is going on here? The dancers need the choreographers to be on their A game this week and so far not so much. This is too unfair.

Dance #4
Viennese Waltz
Personally, I thought it was a beautiful song and routine. He did very well, it was a sexy, emotional dance, but not overwhelming.

Dance #5
It was choppy and forced. There was that one scary, super fast spin otherwise it was a lot like Kent's pants - weird and awkward. Another bad routine to start.

Dance #6
Her outfit was so naughty! So far the best routine of the evening, very athletic and elegant.

Dance #7
Ok, let me just say that was a jacked-up mess. Nothing flowed well - the choreography tonight was a total nightmare!!! The best part of that dance was when they did the interview with him after - it was beautiful.

Dance #8
Hip Hop
That was psychotic and wild and beyond crazy fun! Brilliant was the perfect word -- damn! Probably one of my top 3 faves this season

Dance #9
Contemporary - TRAVIS!!!!
Um, okay, now I know how ballet dudes fight. Not sure at first what to think of it, but I liked it and even though it should have been super-fruity (like one of Adam's outfits/gestures/sentences), it was very real and totally awesome.

Thursday, July 22, 2010


Cat was so red & fluffy & fabulous this week - very vogue of her, really! And Adam's got his chain working, ok a little worrying, but whatever. They welcome special guest judge and teen movie director/choreographer supreme -- Kenny Ortega!!! (High School Musical anyone?)

Well, people, I almost titled this blog So You Think You Can Go to the Hospital II, The Pain Continues... they have got to quit beating up these kids, or get them spotters or something!!! This week Billy is unable to perform due to injury, joining the illustrious boo-boo ranks with Alex and Ashley.

Dance #1: Lauren/Twitch

HipHop (Wild West style!)

Lauren is the last girl standing this year, and that dance was bad-ass! The costumes were cool, the dance was hot, and the performance was strong, hard, and totally believable. Adam thought her growth was phenomenal; Mia thought it was hard, but sexy; Kenny (honored to be there :) thought it was courageous, funky & energetic; Nigel said she's done everything asked of her this season and the performance was 'bad' (like to-the-bone).

Dance #2: Jose/Alison


Alison is sooo in luv w/Jose - hopefully she doesn't get her tush kicked by his gurl. Speaking of butt-kicking - Jose totally kicked it with that dance!!! Glad that Sonya didn't try to toss in any of his style to make it a crowd-pleaser, because 1 - didn't really need any help that way and 2 - it's kind of insulting to him to insinuate that the only way people will still like him is if he can do his own style a little bit in each dance. Newsflash - everyone already loves him!!! My first thought was that he looked ballet-ish out there, which apparently was (kinda) the purpose. He was a perfect partner for Alison and it was an excellent routine for him to be given.

Dance #3: Robert/Lauren


I had no idea Robert was such a dirty boy! He was very naughty in the rehearsal footage and had Lauren blushing hard!!! That boy did some really beautiful, really sexy, smooth jazz moves. I almost blushed myself! The judges were impressed w/him.

Dance #4:

Adechike's Solo!

Dance #5: Kent/Kathryn


It was fast and fun, strong and entertaining... the parts I saw anyway. Had to miss part of it to get the stuff out so Phoebe could make S'mores brownies (that girl luvs to make any kind of brownie, ok?). But it was perfect, except the costumes which looked home-spun to me, but whatever, the dance was great.

Dance #6:

Robert's Solo

Dance #7:

Lauren's Solo

Dance #8: Adechike/Comfort


Loved the song! Alicia Keys rocks!! That was a seriously powerful, edgy, excellent, emotional and turbulent performance! Felt the same as Adam; like it was a scene in a movie and we could get into it and be a part of the drama. Awesome!

Dance #9:

Jose's Solo! -- James Brown!!!

Dance #10:

Kent's Solo!

Dance #11: Lauren/Robert


Ole! Robert was on fire tonight! I agree w/ Kenny - he supported his partner well, then kicked butt when they were dancing their parts alone. Lauren did very well - she can make any dance beautiful!!! These 2 were so hot tonight - together and in their other dances... texted Jessie during one of these that he could easily be the entertainment at this weekend's bachelorette party :)

Dance #12: Adechike/Jose

Pasa Doble

That had to be one of the most macho dances I've ever seen!!! These guys made it beautiful and powerful to watch, and they obviously worked very hard and it was truly good (judges were not excited, but not blah either). Jose let a bit of his Latino out, but maybe not enough.

Dance #13: Kent/Billy -- sub TWITCH!!!

Stepping (college style)

Loved it!!!!!! Twitch makes Kent look so tiny! But he did GREAT! Is there anything or any move that boy can not do? He is too fantastic (had a serious JT quality here). Wish we could have seen Billy do this but it's always super to see Twitch.

Overall, a good week, Billy is in the bottom - no clue who will be joining him - actually think Adechike and Jose are good guesses though!