Cranky would be a very polite way to describe my attitude first thing this morning, but things have since calmed considerably in my mind. This past weekend was a bitch, let me tell you.
First of all, I moved on Friday and in general, physically moving from one address to another sucks butt - this was no exception. Have to give huge kudos and thanks to my man for helping me (or literally doing 98% of the manual labor involved, and driving the giant truck, whichever you want to call it). He is like He-Man, Wolverine, and Mr. T all mixed together. Friday was HOT! So we were sweating like pigs. Then it rained briefly in the afternoon... and the storage place opened an hour late. Grrrr!
Second, when I went back to clean on Saturday, I loaded up the stuff that my sister wanted, and she wasn't even home! This wouldn't have been such a big deal, but I had my daughter and niece with me and by the end of the day, they were working my last nerves. Also, the major thing she wanted was a washing machine that I was going to let her have and moving that into my dad's truck was very, very hard. And it rained again... like a crazy freak deluge that was just enough to make this very heavy thing super-slippery.
Third, and last was trying to get all my stuff organized and clean and settled yesterday. Oh, and the fact that I now have to wake up before dawn, and my new phone being all jacked up, made for a cranky, not in the mood for everyone's horse-shit (but they gave it to me anyway) kind of morning.
p.s. and the Texans were beaten by the Cowboys of all people - not cool!
What a whiner-baby I was on monday!