The day started with a long(ish) drive out to the 'country', you know how it is - over the really crowded freeway, past the Igloo factory to auntie's house we go. Actually it wasn't too bad, and thanks to my dad's uncanny ability to be super-punctual, we were there quite on time for lunch - YUM! Ok, not so much yum... they're real fond of putting the guts in the dressing and gravy, tons of un-cooked onions in the mashed potatoes (but no butter or milk - weird!!!) and making various other casseroles and what not that's hardly if at all recognizable. Don't really care, though, as my mom and I brought 2 bottles of wine and turkey is always tasty!!!
The great thing about going out to the country is that the girls can go crazy running about playing, riding the 4 wheelers and horses, swinging from the trees and chasing the other kids. I seriously doubt that Phoebe went inside for the 8 hours we were there. Maybe to go to the restroom (she is my kid in that she will NOT tinkle anywhere that is not very much a well-appointed bathroom, thank God!!!). That's my niece in the picture above riding on a tire swing that my older cousin made to look like a horse. Too cute!
Now for the drive home... all I can say is the first few minutes was a bit stinky and quiet... then I woke up :)
I normally don't spend a lot of time at the mall or hanging out in a bunch of stores (except you, Walgreen's, I luv you!!!), and my temperament doesn't really lean itself towards crowds or waiting in long lines or being around a group of strangers. So you would think that I would run far and fast from Black Friday drama, but no, for some reason I luv it!!! I relish it!!! Hanging out in line for hours, freezing our tushies off... so much fun. My sister and I started out at Toys R Us, and it was a blast. We had some really funny ladies behind us and at one point we were laughing so hard at what she said about people who were cutting in line (see title), that I almost fell over. Seriously. Then it turns out the girl in front of us is the ex-girlfriend of one of the sons of one of the ladies at work. I know that's obscure, but we spent a while trying to figure out where we had seen each other before. Then when we finally got inside, it was so great - the lights, the noise and people, the smell of toys and new crayons! I didn't want to leave. Maybe that's why I love Black Friday so much - it's the start of my Christmas-y good feelings. Sigh...
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