Where is Mary Murphy?! I miss her! ** FYI - Mia looks like a goober w/that gold sweat band looking thingy.**
Gasp! Alex has a boo boo! He will automatically be in the bottom 3 Thursday, and if he can't dance next week he's out... tragic! He's one of the best, most versatile contestants!
Dance #1 - Lauren/Pasha
OMG, that was so smoking hot! They had some sizzling chemistry, that was soooo saucy.
Dance #2 - Jose/Lauren
He did so well! That boy is so special and he works so hard! No wonder why everyone luvs him.
Dance #3 - Kent/Comfort
Hip Hop
Despite some awkward moments, it was cool to watch and definitely enjoyable! Don't you want to pinch his cheeks?
Dance #4 - Adechike/Courtney
Finally a jazz routine that's really jazzy! Not as hot as it could have been, but still good.
Dance #5 - Billy/Katie
? - I don't know why I can't hear the style sometimes!!
They all said it was great and wonderful, but honestly, I only liked the costumes -- sorry!
Dance #6 - Ashley/Dominic
Hip Hop
That was so cool! And such a nice surprise from her - she did a great job!!!
Dance #7 - Robert/Catherine
An interesting concept, but after the first half not too great for me - they never got to the fluid part they were talking about. Would be fun for a high school dance maybe
Dance #8 - Adechike/Alex
Bollywood - Mara in for Alex
Not my favorite to start with - always looks the same. He did well, but kind of lost it in some parts. Agree with Nigel in that his style did not blend well or add to the performance value, unlike Jose's. As harsh as I feel I'm being, Mia was too ugly.
Dance #9 - Lauren/Kent
That was too sweet! They were perfect together and what a kissie-kiss! I thought that was delightful (was that Disney calling?)
Dance #10 - Robert/Ashley
Why do they put this idiotic dance in there? It's supposed to look awkward when professionals do it (yeah, okay I've see a few of the Ball Room competitions:) So how do they expect it to be any good here?! On the slower parts they looked in control, even confident, but during the faster parts they looked terrified! I think I even saw him counting @ one point?
Dance #11 - Billy/Jose
African something-or-other
Okay, I'm not going to use the obvious word to describe this dance, but come on!!! I will only say that it was not masculine AT ALL! Hopefully this horror won't harm either of their chances... Dear God!!! The judges must have been hopped up on goof balls at this point or something.
Can't wait to hear about what happens tonight!
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