My little girl...

Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Thursday, July 8, 2010


He sounds so dainty... sorry, dude receptionists throw me off and I know he's not really a 'receptionist' but he always answers the phone. Not that it's a 'woman's job', but it's just that rare, at least here in Texas, maybe not so much in California or New York. I am making a call while typing away on this blog, so as the Muzak plays...
As expected, Mr. Cranky-Pants' alter-ego 'Senor Happy' has made an appearance today. There's skipping, and friendly hellos and general merriment and it makes me nervous, puts me on edge. The funny stories are back, the witty banter, the illusion of safety. I'm freaking out!
It's kind of like when someone acts like they're all smart and classy but you just know they aren't. That they'll get all trailer/ghetto/Maury Povich on you with the slightest provocation. Maybe it would be cool if we were all like soap opera characters - if you're good, you're good, if you're evil, than you're evil... and only a knock in the head(car accident/cliff fall/gun shot wound, ect.) or the arrival of a previously unmentioned evil/good twin would make you otherwise.
So, okay, maybe there's not any skipping - that might be funny.
Totally off subject --
Awwww... K just said in the most natural, 'oh it's just a fact of life like the sky is blue' way that L is smart. Compliments should always come that naturally and spontaneous... :)

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