I am not a fighter. Snotty, obnoxious, passive-aggressive - yes... but I'm not about to have a physical altercation with anyone. It's not me. When people cut me off in traffic or look at me crazy or whatever, my response is to seethe, mumble under my breath (or blog about their sorry butts!!!)
Saturday, however, almost saw my inner ninja come out.
Fo' shizzle.
While standing in line waiting to fill up drinks for Phoebe, Hayley, and myself a little thug kid stepped all over my foot. He said something that might have been 'sorry' and walked off. Consider this - I was wearing flip-flops, he slammed his foot on my mine repeatedly, and there were tears of pain in my eyes, yet his mother (who looked A LOT like the picture here) starts yelling at me. Apparently I'm supposed to tell him it's ok, and everything is hunky-dory, but guess what - IT'S NOT. And you know what I told this b-word when she said "get over it, he said he's sorry!" I said the following - "I don't give a damn if he's sorry, it still hurts" She started repeating "he said he's sorry" over and over, getting louder each time and THEN she starts what I have to assume is cussing me out in Chinese. Maybe I shouldn't have said the next thing, but I couldn't help it - "You're so mature, no wonder your kid's such an ass"
The Asian swearing rose in volume at that point, and she started walking toward me. Now, in my head I'm thing OMG!!!!, but I'm not going to let this little you know what push me around. Then, like an angel sent from above, her brother/husband/teenage son (?) grabs her arm and says "Grow up! Why do you always start sh*t?!"
Thank You!!!!
But, seriously, I almost peed my pants. Eeek!
that is awesome! I could totally see you there...freaking out, eyes getting bigger, wondering how the hell you put yourself in such a situation. classic
Haha!! I wish I could have seen that. Good for you, I'm glad you stood up to her.