Yesterday Shutterbug Mama and I went to the waaaay fancy Olive Garden for lunch, as I had to have soft or liquid foods (dental procedure/nightmare on Tuesday!!!) and we both really like it. So we're walking to our table, minding our own beeswax, when out of the corner of my eye I see a coworker (whom we will refer to from now on as Fred Jones -of Scooby Doo fame -for his love of penny loafers and general disposition) of ours at a booth in another little alcove-y section as we pass by and I give a tiny, automatic wave and he totally does that guy wave with the 2 fingers. And then it hits me who he is, and I'm like "what?!".
I told SB Mama "that was Fred at that booth over there, and I don't know enough about his wife to know if that's her"
She replies with "His wife wouldn't drive all the way out here"
So I say "I'm going to text him and ask who it is"
Unfortunately, we can't see them from where we are seated, eating really tasty soup and breadsticks (I passed on the salad, she didn't, we got extra cheese on everything cuz that's what makes it the yummiest)
My message: 'who's that lady (who's that lady - to music lol)
Me, "he is so not going to write back!!!"
SB Mama, "sure he will"
Fred's message: 'A friend, come say hi'
Me, "oh my god, he said to come say hi. Why would we come say hi to his lady-friend?! Awkward!!!"
SB Mama, "we're not going to do that (paraphrase)"
My message: 'Um, that's ok. Besides, our food has arrived and we don't want to interrupt :o)'
So we proceed to eat delicious lunches and talk about various things. It was really a nice lunch. Then, as we're waiting for our check I start to think, where is he? Fred should have passed by our table on his way out. So I text him again;
My message: 'Did you leave?'
Let me just say right now, this is one of the longest conversations I have personally ever had with Fred. We're just very different people and we've never had anything to do with each other outside of the office. He's kind of funny but mostly he straight reminds me of Fred from Scooby Doo; his personality and dress - i swear he would wear an ascot if he could, he's just an ascot kind of guy.
Fred's message: 'Yup'
My message: 'Sneaky!'
That may have been flirty, but it was totally unintentional, ok?
Fred's message: 'About 1 minute ago'
' U got that dang song stuck n our heads'
Oh, jeez! that means they are not at the restaurant, but are still together? If we look outside will they be making out in the parking lot? Lord, I hope not!!! This is too bizarre... and hilarious!
My message: 'What about the song "secret lovers" that's a good one
At this point I'm feeling kinda clever, I have to admit.
Fred's message: 'Don't know that 1 :-)
What exactly does that smiley face mean? interesting!
My message: 'Think they have it on the 8 track now'
Yeah, funny me - made a crack about his age and junk... I'm so smooth!
So SB Mama and I are driving back to work and I'm trying to figure out how to spell La Quinta (not as hard now as it was then) so I can write the following message (which I changed so I could text it faster)
My message: 'Was that your truck @ the Holiday Inn just now?'
SB Mama tells me that Fred is totally going to say something crazy back to me (she knows him better than I do) and I'm like 'no way'.
Fred's message: 'Mouth full can't talk'
OMG!!! He did not just go there! But he did and we were laughing our butts off and she said he's probably already back at the office...
My message: 'You made me drop my phone!!!'
And he had, which was crazy! Then we were at work and he was already there and I got this message walking in the door -
Fred's message: 'Wow my pants did the same thing'
What a lunch!
I told SB Mama "that was Fred at that booth over there, and I don't know enough about his wife to know if that's her"
She replies with "His wife wouldn't drive all the way out here"
So I say "I'm going to text him and ask who it is"
Unfortunately, we can't see them from where we are seated, eating really tasty soup and breadsticks (I passed on the salad, she didn't, we got extra cheese on everything cuz that's what makes it the yummiest)
My message: 'who's that lady (who's that lady - to music lol)
Me, "he is so not going to write back!!!"
SB Mama, "sure he will"
Fred's message: 'A friend, come say hi'
Me, "oh my god, he said to come say hi. Why would we come say hi to his lady-friend?! Awkward!!!"
SB Mama, "we're not going to do that (paraphrase)"
My message: 'Um, that's ok. Besides, our food has arrived and we don't want to interrupt :o)'
So we proceed to eat delicious lunches and talk about various things. It was really a nice lunch. Then, as we're waiting for our check I start to think, where is he? Fred should have passed by our table on his way out. So I text him again;
My message: 'Did you leave?'
Let me just say right now, this is one of the longest conversations I have personally ever had with Fred. We're just very different people and we've never had anything to do with each other outside of the office. He's kind of funny but mostly he straight reminds me of Fred from Scooby Doo; his personality and dress - i swear he would wear an ascot if he could, he's just an ascot kind of guy.
Fred's message: 'Yup'
My message: 'Sneaky!'
That may have been flirty, but it was totally unintentional, ok?
Fred's message: 'About 1 minute ago'
' U got that dang song stuck n our heads'
Oh, jeez! that means they are not at the restaurant, but are still together? If we look outside will they be making out in the parking lot? Lord, I hope not!!! This is too bizarre... and hilarious!
My message: 'What about the song "secret lovers" that's a good one
At this point I'm feeling kinda clever, I have to admit.
Fred's message: 'Don't know that 1 :-)
What exactly does that smiley face mean? interesting!
My message: 'Think they have it on the 8 track now'
Yeah, funny me - made a crack about his age and junk... I'm so smooth!
So SB Mama and I are driving back to work and I'm trying to figure out how to spell La Quinta (not as hard now as it was then) so I can write the following message (which I changed so I could text it faster)
My message: 'Was that your truck @ the Holiday Inn just now?'
SB Mama tells me that Fred is totally going to say something crazy back to me (she knows him better than I do) and I'm like 'no way'.
Fred's message: 'Mouth full can't talk'
OMG!!! He did not just go there! But he did and we were laughing our butts off and she said he's probably already back at the office...
My message: 'You made me drop my phone!!!'
And he had, which was crazy! Then we were at work and he was already there and I got this message walking in the door -
Fred's message: 'Wow my pants did the same thing'
What a lunch!
I am cracking up in my office all over again!