ok, I know I've been remiss in my blogging lately, but I've been super busy and blah, blah, blah...
Anyway, my bmf gave me a topic to do when I just couldn't think of anything and today is the day... this one is for you Special K!!! lol
Today's topic is panties. Yeah, and what does one say about panties? I'm not sure, so I'm totally gonna wing it here. We all wear them (except you hoochie girls -- you know who you are), we wash them, we spend so much time contemplating which ones to buy, but how big a deal are they really? Pretty big deal, actually. How many times have we rolled our eyes when mom or grandma said to make sure we have clean ones on when we leave the house, but we secretly think 'oh, crap, if i get in an accident or whatnot, do i want paramedics/ cops/hospital staff/ect. to see that i have on my holy drawers?' (thanks a lot George Clooney!). And why do we have special ones for laundry day? You know

Color and style are important, too! We need the cheeky hipsters when we're feeling fun and frisky. Those come in all the cute patterns and prints. Color is very important! For example, a friend of mine says she has a mustard colored pair that are really pretty, until you put them on, then not so much. Be careful, when choosing colors, that you always have a few that will work under light colored outfits (no matter how hot you or your man think you are, no one wants to see your sea foam green undies under your white shorts, gag!) Then there are the comfy, but not ma-ma ones, like bikinis and lowrise for everyday use. Not to mention the ones that make us feel all sexy and Victoria's Secret-y... the fancy panties!!! The ooh-la-la kind with sparkles and bows and very little fabric. These are the ones that make every girl -- no matter how many freckles she has or how flat/bubbly/perky/not-so-perky/white/tan her tush is -- feel like a million bucks.
And buying panties can be so therapeutic! Have you every had a bad time shopping for underwear? There are some really lovely brands and styles that are easy to find (even on sale). You can go with your girlfriends, your man or just solo- and enjoy the experience! No one will judge your selections... they don't have to be "the latest fashion", they just have to fit you and your personality. So go out there and be confident in your panties, ladies! Whether you're in your business suit, your track suit (sorry, i know, hello 80's!), or your birthday suit - decorate your booty and be happy - no one has to know (unless you want them too ;).
love it! and so true. I remember when I as young (yes, i once was) and pregnant with Devon I had to have on sexy panties! just made me feel pretty lol