We are going to the kid's
Christmas program tonight and I just hope that I can get in the right frame of mind before it's time to go. Work and certain bad feelings born at last Saturday's work Christmas party had left me in a less than friendly and jolly frame of mind this past week. However, i need to forget or move on or both and get my merry on for this weekend. After all, I had a jump start really with Thursday night's dinner date with Joe and Phoebe. It was very pleasant, actually and came with a bonus in the form of my middle sister and 2 yr old niece showing up at the same restaurant just as we were getting our drinks and about to place our order. As she and Joe had yet to meet (due to circumstances and whatnot) and because its just the polite thing to do, we asked them to join us, and it was a rather nice dinner.
So I'll spend the afternoon helping my mom wrap presents and my sister will take the kids to Burger King to play or to the park maybe. Whatever we do it will be fun, and they are on Christmas vacation for the next 2 1/2 weeks, so they already have the attitude that fun times are ahead, and I just need to absorb some of that. Determined to make this the best Christmas ever. :)